This week, Buddy and Romeo are pihhh-ssed. But before we reach our boiling point, let’s take a deep breath and happily address a question from a longtime reader, shall we?
“I was always curious of the idea behind "If Romeo Had a Son" comics. For the longest time, I’ve assumed the idea is to show that if Romeo did get everything he wanted (wife and kids) he'd still be unhappy, (in a way that contrasts real life Romeos happy marriage).” - Longtime Reader
Thanks for your question! Some context for our free subscribers: last week behind the paywall we had a comic about a boy named Scrooge who [hypothetically] would be Romeo’s first grader in the year 2026 —Hold up. I’m just realizing that means he would have been born in 2019 — the year after the strip ended (these comics were all drawn and published from 2015-2018, ). Is it possible that the comic strip ended and Romeo actually got married and had a son the following year?! Was this an eerie prediction all along that we’d be moving on from Buddy and Romeo in 2019? Whaaaat…?