Game changing 5 am workouts
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? “Daycare Snow Day Workout Plan” in Funny Times
BEHIND THE PAY WALL: A body in solitude stays in solitude
Today’s post title is a direct quote by one of Frega’s former students circa 2015. This week, we’re building muscle!
We didn’t deliberately commit to any New Years’ Resolutions per se but we are being more mindful and deliberate about certain aspects of our lives. One of the changes we implemented last week has been an absolute game changer.
We installed a fire escape! No, just kidding. The real game changer is that we started getting up at 5 am to workout together in our home gym.
We’re surprised for several reasons. First, that we’re actually getting up and getting ourselves to work out. Second, that the workouts are effective. Third, that it jumpstarts and energizes us for the day by giving us a head start on hydration (and coffee!) and leads to less rushing around in the morning. We both feel more productive and energized throughout the day and don’t feel the looming obligation to do anything in particular at night.
Summer, here we come!
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In all honesty, I think we’re a little more excited for spring — because that’s when we get to start gardening again. The way DiPerri does it, opening the garden in the spring is a total body workout.
You know what else is a total body workout? Shoveling snow.
DiPerri’s illustrated humor piece “Daycare Snow Day Workout Plan” got a full page in the January/February 2025 issue of Funny Times.
This piece was previously published in Frazzled.
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Join us behind the paywall as Buddy and Romeo reap the benefits of all that exercise.